

What time is it?

When I go outside of my house, I always bring my watch. I don’t know why I do it, but I still do it. So when people see you wearing a watch, they will – sooner or later (the latter is the best) – What the time is currently. My


Heavily Populated Areas

Are heavily populated areas are good and bad, but depends on each person to add weight to the arguements Living in a populated area may seem like a bad idea, with all the traffic, tight living quarters and pollution (especially smoking), but it also has some benefits as well. I


Zombie Apocolypse

So I saw a friend playing a zombie game, as usual, a first person shooter where every zombie spawns new ammo boxes (yes!) and more gold to buy weapons that are conveniently located on wall. The more I think about it, the more interesting the idea of zombies are, however,

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