
Things I will never do

We all have interesting lives. We grow up in such disparate environments, which molds our lives in more ways than we will comfortably admit.

I hear all around me ‘crazy’ stories about things this person did, that person got, those people had.

In most cases, they are ‘crazy’ because I know I will never experience those: those activities, those struggles, those why did I do this? moments, those times of pure joy and of utmost grief.

Those experiences are sometimes outside my comfortable zone, other times just impossible given the my current circumstances.


But that doesn’t stop me from wondering…

I wonder what it would feel like, to have gone to a small school, where one would know all their classmates.

I wonder what it would feel like, to have grown up near the ocean, to play on the beaches every day, to have experienced the worst of mother nature’s wrath.

I wonder what it would feel like, to be a different race, to experience the different cultures and language.

I wonder what it would feel like, to be restricted in a wheelchair and to be unable to walk.


I only have one life. I can only walk in one direction: towards my fate to which I am drawn to. But it is nice, to take a breather and step outside my experiences, and listen to someone else’s story. It somewhat consoles me to step into someone else’s shoes, to see what he or she has spent their hours doing, to take a break on my journey. Those stories make me envious. They make me uncomfortable. They make me wonder what my life could’ve been.

But they also make me feel lucky that didn’t have to experience it. They make me happy that I had the chance to experience what I have experienced. My experiences is the best because they are what made me who I am today.

One thought on “Things I will never do

  1. *desparate

    I absolutely agree with you. We shall live virtuous lives under thine Father.


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