Year: 2015


Things I will never do

We all have interesting lives. We grow up in such disparate environments, which molds our lives in more ways than we will comfortably admit. I hear all around me ‘crazy’ stories about things this person did, that person got, those people had. In most cases, they are ‘crazy’ because I


Multipliers are actually Exponential

GPA modifiers disproportionately affect low-achieving students Everyday millions of students walk with backpacks strung behind their backs to school. Although school is meant to be a competitive learning environment, meant to foster the inquisitive nature in all of them, it isn’t always the case. Every day is a fight to

Programming, Thoughts

Programming Contests

So, you are like me and are interested in computer science and you want to attend some programming contests. In Texas, most high schools will offer Computer Science 1 AP (AP test is sooo easy if you understand the material) and Computer Science UIL contests (University Interscholastic League). However, these


Can It Guess Your Age?

Oh man. Only 6 questions and it somehow magically guessed it. It is dark magic. Impossible! Right? No, but I like how these questions really target the people (deep down). It really does make people happy. It reconfirms their own beliefs of themselves (which is terrible if you ever want

Events, Thoughts

The New Year!

It’s New Years again! Well, at least it WAS. Now it has past. And slight regret that I wasn’t able to keep my eyes open for that moment when the clock struck 12 (hey, I had a rough day). But then again, the idea of a New Year is completely