How To, Programming

How to create a Discord Bot

Watch a YouTube video



Creating a discord bot is actually quite simple and fun :)



  1. Install NodeJS (and learn some basic Javascript)
  2. Create a folder where you will put all your files
  3. Go to link (1) and create an Bot
    • Set the “Redirect URL” to “” -> or whatever URL you want to redirect to. BUT YOU NEED TO HAVE A LEAST ONE URL.
    • Click the Create Bot User
    • Copy Bot id and Token (click “click to reveal”)
  4. Open up CMD or Terminal and navigate to the folder (from step 2)
  5. Install a node package
    • npm install

  6. Go to link (2) to download a sample program. Name the JS file whatever you want.
  7. Go to link (4) and replace that really long number after “client_id=” to your Bot id
    • Make sure you have rights to “manage server” on Discord
  8. When you want to run your server
    • node [filename].js

    • replace [filename] with what you named the JS file to be.
  9. Now add whatever features you want to add

Note that in order for your Bot to be “online” you have to run “node [filename].js” and keep it running. So you might have to buy a server to run it 24/7….


Hope this is quick and easy to understand!


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