College, MIT

Why I chose MIT and why should you apply to MIT (30 of 30)

All MIT tours ended with a short story on “why I applied to/chose MIT.” It’s probably the most exciting part to listen to for someone on the tour because it shows why people chose (and still enjoy MIT). However, it can be both super informative yet super generic. 

My college story isn’t that helpful for people weighing pros and cons. I chose MIT due largely to athletic reasons (MIT has one the best pools in the northeast — that ANY student can use), but now that I’m finally graduated, I have reasons beyond the pool why going to MIT was a great decision.

The people are some of the most brilliant people you’ll meet (and they’re friendly).

Imposter syndrome can really hit you when coming to MIT. It’s crazy what people can accomplish in high school and still have a social life. Throughout college, I had some friends who would take three graduate-level computer science classes per semester (I could only manage one a semester max). Yet, they were still humble and grounded and have helped me through my learning. It has been exciting to meet people and discover all the fantastic things about them. Everyone has what they’re good at and bad at, so it’s fun to be around all of them and learn and grow from each other.

Athletics aren’t just for athletes.

Our PE classes are a hidden gem for students. MIT offers super fun classes where you can dip your feet into different activities and sports. Archery, sailing, squash, ice skating, you name it! They are all available for anyone to sign up and learn.
Furthermore, club and intramural sports happen year-round, and anyone can create a team. Walk-ons to varsity sports aren’t uncommon either. As a corollary: varsity athletes can do other things outside of practice because of the less demanding schedule (one practice a day max) compared to D1 schools. 

Boston is the city to be in

It only takes an Uber 20 mins to get to the airport. On top of that, Boston is both walkable and bikeable (okay, maybe bikeable is a stretch during the winter months).
If you don’t like hanging out with MIT students, countless other colleges (Northwestern, BU, Harvard, Tufts, Wellesley, and more!) around Boston have just as amazing people! Even though MIT has a relatively small class, Boston still feels super young and like a college town with the added benefit of not being a college town.

College isn’t about learning; it’s about who you meet!

Sometimes I want to get into a discussion about whether or not python is a good programming language. Other times, I want to hang and not talk about anything intelligible at all. The people at MIT are THE thing people say about why they had a great time. To be clear, that applies to almost any situation — clubs (extracurriculars), classes, friends, etc.

No one’s life is the same, but I guess that is what makes every year of MIT that much more special. Go beavers!


I finally did it. Guess it took longer than 30 days (two years in fact)!

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